We had two exceptional, really easy meals this week. My favorite was this recipe that I saw on a TV few month's back: Thai Beef with Chilies and Coconut Rice. I have had it in the back of my mind ever since. It took me a while to find fish sauce (3 out of 4 local grocery stores didn't carry it). I kept looking though, I knew I had seen it before.
Once I had the fish sauce it was extremely easy to make. So easy that in the process of cooking it, I thought this just isn't going to be good. It really is as simple as browning ground beef. But the flavor is so much more interesting then just ground beef. Both Frank and Cait declared that they could eat this every week.

We made the coconut rice as suggested, it was good but not quite what I expected. I wanted it to have a little coconut flavor to it. But mostly it just tasted like rice with a really nice sticky texture. While I liked the texture it just isn't worth all of the extra fat that the coconut milk added. Plain rice for us next time.
Warning: It is not a good idea to slurp chili peppers like spaghetti (as if you couldn't figure that out on your own).
After dinner, Cait was complaining that she burned her lip. I really didn't think the dish was very spicy, the peppers were a little hot but I had taken out the seeds and ribs so they were pretty mild in the end. After asking her exactly how she managed to burn her lip, she explained that she had been slurping the red pepper slices like spaghetti. Leave it to the kid to find a way to make dinner dangerous.